You are currently viewing URP – Ghost Shaders

URP – Ghost Shaders

Download URP – Ghost Shaders FREE Unity. 

The packages contain 6 Ghost shaders for the Built-In render pipeline and 7 Ghost shaders for the Universal Render Pipeline. You can easily add ghost effects to your models, using these materials.

WebGL Demo

The file includes built-in and URP shaders. The Ghost Shaders v2020.1.0 package is only compatible with Unity 2019.3.0 or higher. A lower version of Unity will download the version 2.0.
The package is set up to Built-In Render Pipeline by default. Please follow the URP setup in the documentation for Universal Render Pipeline projects.
Documentation included.

HDRP shaders are available soon in a new package

Shaders :

CS_Advanced Ghost :

+ XRay See Through : See the model skeleton, defined by the XRay properties, through any objects.
+ Always Visible : See model through any objects.

CS_Fast Ghost | Always privilege these shaders for mobile projects.