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The Visual Engine | Terrain Blanket Module

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⚠ Requirements

The latest version of the Vegetation Engine is required for the module to work!

The Vegetation Engine is a set of high-quality shaders and tools designed to unify 3rd party vegetation under the same system. Enable high-quality wind motion, interaction, seasons, wetness, subsurface, height-based blending, etc. for all vegetation assets with Standard, Universal, or HD Render Pipeline!

○ Overview

The Terrain Blanket module allows you to conform and align big patches of grass or groups of rocks, which would only work for flat surfaces, to the terrain surface and normal direction. The shaders are using the pre-baked pivots to treat each sub-mesh as an individual object, allowing you to use fewer grass objects while covering bigger areas. Or it can simply conform objects like roots to the terrain surface like a 3D mesh decal. Check the documentation for more details!

○ Compatibility

The Terrain Blanket Module supports the following Render Pipelines:

✓ Standard Render Pipeline 2021.3+

✓ Universal Render Pipeline 2021.3+ / 2022.3+ / 2023.3+

✓ HD Render Pipeline 2021.3+ / 2022.3+ / 2023.3+

The Terrain Blanket Module has integration with the following 3rd party tools:

✓ Amplify Shader Editor – Full shader editing support

✓ GPU Instancer – Instanced Indirect support

✓ Nature Renderer – Procedural Instancing support

✓ Instant Renderer – Procedural Instancing support

✓ Vegetation Studio – Instanced Indirect support

✓ Vegetation Studio Pro – Instanced Indirect support

The Terrain Blanket Module supports the following add-ons:

✓ The Vegetation Engine • Terrain Shaders Module (Terrain Blending)

✓ The Vegetation Engine • Terrain Elements Module

○ Features

✓ The Vegetation Engine systems support: All systems

✓ The Vegetation Engine elements support: All elements

✓ Terrain height conform

✓ Terrain orientation alignment