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Shader Weaver

Nice width/height corresponding preview.

Comfortable hotkeys speed up editing and drawing.

Fully support Undo/Redo on nodes, numbers and textures.

•Play Mode
Edit and update in play mode.

•Copy Paste
Support copy and paste. Reuse nodes from other Shader Weaver project.

•Depth Sorting
Decide the nodes’ display order by depth sorting.

•Visual Modes
View textures’ individual RGB channel and choose what to see by setting layers.

No extra files to sync over version control system. All Shader Weaver data are stored in .shader files.

Compatible with UGUI, NGUI, Playmaker, Bolt, Corgi Engine, DOTween, Odin, Anima2D…

Make the change, use 2D dedicated shader creation tool to enhance the visual quality of your game.

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Now download Shader Weaver FREE Unity

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