Download SCI-FI UI_Components v1 FREE Unity.
1.This is a blue sci-fi UI package, which contains many useful UI elements. Most elements have a variety of style designs, so you can combine different elements and apply them to your work.
It can be applied to sci-fi games or AR/VR projects, and support WebGL, PC, and Mobile.
2.The canvas prefabs were ready in unity 3d, So you can easy to use them! Sliced sprites were ready, So you can change size and color easily in unity 3d.
3. The UI elements are high-definition enough for you to zoom in and out at will.
4.Add white layered customizable sci-fi elements, you can easily customize the color you want.
Asset Content
• Loading
• Sign in
• Buttons
• Icon buttons
• Item buttons
• Panels
• Popups
• Options
• Customizable elements
• 288 icons
Package Content
–Demo Scene
–23 Prefabs
–Sliced sprites