Download Sci-Fi Top-Down Game Template FREE Unity
* New Survival Mode
* Friendly AI (simple follow and substitute place).
* fast Reload for weapons (timed event)
* multiple bug fix and update to 2017.2
* straightforward character prefab creation
* Arm IK: Weapon grip upgraded
Sci-Fi Top-Down Game Template also contains
* native Multiplayer
* ex gratia Split Screen.
* NEW Blood VFX splat.
* Ragdoll Death
* Beam Weapons
* else Automatic Turrets.
* NEW Tower Defense AI.
* NEW Tower Defense Demo Scene.
* Team sign up bullets (Friendly Fire).
* Else scrimmage weapons for player and enemies.
* Enemy & player creator tools. straightforward to make a player or Associate in Nursing enemy victimization another prefab as a reference.
* straightforward aiming weapon IK to purpose the weapon specifically to the target.
* continuously aiming switch. To use it in twin-stick shooters wherever you wish to be ready to shoot any time.
* Root motion and NO root motion operating higher.
* Weapon list currently editable in Associate in Nursing scriptable object-
* Weapons currently will shoot multiple bullets during an excellent arch distribution
This is a high Down shooter templet project, as well as plenty of parts and assets to start out a high down shooter game in seconds.
It`s been created terribly straightforward and accessible therefore anyone will use it.
The player moves comparatively to the camera read and aims with the mouse or the correct Stick of the joystick.
You can develop things, activate panels, open or shut doors, destroy actors, throw grenades and more…
Weapons are totally tweakable, with parameters like FireRate, Bullet speed, acceleration, divergence harm, and so…
Bullets are managed with a straightforward pooling system.