Event System
The node-based event system allows you to create cut-scenes and dialogues, animate your battles, add custom game mechanics and many other things. You don’t need to write a single line of code, create what you want to do in a simple flowchart, node by node.
Other Features
Some of ORK Framework’s countless features:
– Flexible status system
– Ability (skill) system
– Inventory system
– Equipment system
– Crafting system
– Quest system with automatic progress monitoring
– Battle and movement AI
– Menus, shops and HUDs
– Support for multiple languages
– Savegames
– Factions
– Bestiary system
– Plugin system
– Gameplay related source code included
– More features …
RPG Editor ORK Framework is a complex system with a setting for pretty much everything, currently consisting of over 167.000 lines of code. However, don’t despair – you only need to use the features that fit your game, and the system is designed to be accessible and easy to use.
Supported platforms
Officially supports Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. Supports 2D and 3D games.
The latest version supports Unity 5.6, Unity 2017, Unity 2018 and Unity 2019.
Check out the details from the Unity Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/rpg-editor-ork-framework-125912