You are currently viewing Realistic Weather Effects

Realistic Weather Effects

Realistic Weather Effects is a nice and varied spritesheet animations pack especially made for weather applications or 2D games on mobiles or computers


You can use them in a large variety of projects (particle emitters, 3D & 2D games, game HUD, mobile games, VR…). This is NOT particles! It’s spritesheet animations frames.

– Thunderstorm, clouds, rain, sun, snow, moon, lightning, stars… Effects are perfectly looped, you can create different sequences to chain animations.

Pictures are provided in PNG format. For mobile use, think to resize images with unity inspector!

Don’t take attention to the video environment (different than screen), it’s a old version!

Take a look on the others packages! :

★ Effects Volume Free! Try it! ★

★ Effects Volume 1 ★

★ Effects Volume 2 ★

★ Effects Volume 3 ★

★ Effects Volume 4 ★

★ Effects Volume 5 ★

★ Effects Volume 6 ★