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Ragdoll Animator

Download Ragdoll Animator Free Unity. 

Setup your humanoid ragdoll instantly! Blend ragdolled limbs with animated model! Enable ragdoll and controll muscle power towards animator pose!

⚡ Setup your humanoid ragdoll instantly! ⚡

Blend ragdolled limbs with animated model!

Enable ragdoll and controll muscle power towards animator pose!


✍ Before Buy: To implement plugin fully with your character movement, you will need to use a bit of code, but nothing complex – mostly calling just single lines of code, example scripts can really help you with that.

If you want to have physical legs when character is moving, ragdoll animator is not supporting it too precisely yet (in full free fall ragdoll mode everything works as intended)


⚙️ Ragdoll Animator offsers effective and clear solution for handling ragdolled humanoid model. (works on generic and legacy animation skeleton too)


⌛ Quickly prepare bones to generate colliders, rigidbodies and joints on.

Controll scale/rigidbody mass of all colliders with basic sliders.