MultiTPS is a template project designed for creating multiplayer third person pvp & pve arena shooter games.
MTPSKit is multiplayer shooter template that You can build your project upon. It has all the necessary features that multiplayer shooter needs.
1. Weapons
MultiTPS comes with 8 varied weapons: Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, SMG, SniperRifle, Minigun, Grenade, Melee weapon
2. Example maps
MultiTPS includes 3 example maps with their specific game modes.
3. Gamemodes
MultiTPS comes with 2 gamemodes
• Deathmatch
• TeamDeathmatch
4. Server List
Server List: MultiTPS can be set up to work with the included server list system. Players can create a lobby using a simple form, and that lobby will be visible to others in the server list.
5. Scoreboard
Scoreboard shows other players, their stats and latency