Easily add multiplayer functionality to your game quickly with these custom Visual Scripting nodes that support: Unity Game Services, Playfab, and Photon PUN. Includes demo flows you can use now!
Additional compatibility information
Playfab SDK required to use Playfab nodes
PUN 2 asset required to use Photon nodes
Unity Game Services including Netcode for GameObjects required to use game services
Package built and tested with Unity Visual Scripting 1.7.7
Package dependencies1
Making online multiplayer games is HARD, but it doesn’t have to be.
With this asset, you’ll be able to add online multiplayer features to your game quickly and easily without ever needing to write a line of code.
This asset contains custom scripts that allow you to use popular multiplayer services with Visual Scripting, such as Playfab, Photon, and the newly released Unity Game Services!
Also included are some demo implementations that show you exactly how you can use the nodes together to create multiplayer features such as:
Allowing users to register/sign-in to your came with account credentials
Saving data in the cloud like user progress, levels, stats, currency, etc
Running custom scripts in the cloud for anti-cheat server-side logic
Saving and loading custom variables from the cloud so you can update your game over-the-air
Matchmaking to automatically connect players, or form lobbies with passwords for private matches.
Handle in-game currency, inventories, and purchases
+ Many more features and demos coming!