You are currently viewing Multiplayer Racing Template (Netcode, Lobby, Relay)

Multiplayer Racing Template (Netcode, Lobby, Relay)

Documentation | PC Demo | Mac Demo | Android Demo

Multiplayer for 2-5 players
Player settings: car model, car color, player name
Public game sessions
Private game sessions with code access
Ability to change server region
Auto updates of available regions. Once in 24 hours
3 weapons: Machinegun, Rocket Launcher, Mine Launcher
4 pick-up items: Nitro, Repair, Missiles, Mines
Car physics based on Unity WheelCollider
Network physics simulation: non-kinematic network cars
Car AI. Wild and fast!
Basic in-game rating
All settings stored on boot scene. Easy to adjust
Fully commented
Mobile ready


– Unity 2022.3.7f1 +

– Lobby 1.2.1

– Netcode for GameObjects 1.9.1

– Relay 1.1.1