Updated for Horror FPS Kit Version 1.6.3a (CHECK RELEASE FOR NOTES!
***Requires Photon Pun 2 ***
This asset also requires Photon PUN 2 in order to work.
A striped down version of Pun 2 is already included and is recommended to just use the version in the package. I will try to keep this updated when Photon releases new updates but to be sure all is functional it is best to just stick with the Photon PUN 2 that is already included.
This asset will convert all Horror FPS Kit script to work with Photon Pun 2 all you need to do is click the “UpdateHFPS” button under Prophets Place menu.
I have all of the basic functions of the Horror FPS KIT working with multiplayer. This integration is in an early alpha phase and so there are a few bugs that are being worked out.
Things that are working with multiplayer
*Player movement
*Health and Damage systems
*Items in hands
*CCTV with cameras
*Footstep sounds
*Jump Scare