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Low poly water SRP

Download Low poly water SRP FREE Unity. 

Benefits and Features
– Low polygon style.
– Highly customizable.
– Vertex displacement wave.
– Support underwater effects, support seamless switching.
– Most calculations run on the GPU.
– Two lighting styles (pixel and vertice).
– Compatible with Lightweight RP and PostProcessing v2.

This is a highly customizable water shader system.
Supports water surface and underwater effects, and underwater effects can be seamlessly switched.
Only runtime light sources are supported. The number of point light depend by Lightweight RP settings.
All screenshots are from the demo program, recommend to download the demo, as all the latest features will be in it.

Runtime environment
-Only support perspective camera
-Only support Lightweight RP. Forward rendering path.
-Script running version is.Net4.0.
-The Graphics API needs to be higher than or equal to DX11 or OpenGL 4.1 or OpenGL ES 3.2, support Tessellation shaders and Geometry shader.
-Not supported Metal.