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Infinity Scrollview for UGUI

Download Infinity Scrollview for UGUI FREE Unity. 

Work with Unity 4.6+ and Unity 5.0+, Unity 2017, Unity 2018 (All licenses)

+ Support Scrollview with size item from 0 to Infinity items with the highest performance.
+ Support Infinity Vertical(Top To Down, Bottom To Up).
+ Support Infinity Horizontal(Left to Right, Right To Left).
+ Easy to Create Skip items in any index of scroll view (Easy to add anything item such as Native Ads Items…).
+ Easy to use and custom-like as any other UI control of UGUI.
+ Can work with all Unity platforms (PC/Mac/Console/IOS/Android/WinPhone/WebGL…).
+ Working with all version of Unity 4.6 or higher, Unity 5 and above.