This Asset contains 100+ new Instructions to be used with Game Creator 2 with 5 Detailed Examples. Now with Minimap!
** Special Summer Holiday Price ** – Limited Time.
Included in this Asset are 100+ new and exciting Instructions for Game Creator 2. They include:
11 x Audio (Audio source, Streaming, etc)
3 x Camera (Mirror, Objects, Rotation)
6 x Environment (Lighting, Skybox, etc)
16 x GameObject (Drag, Spawn, etc)
7 x Lighting (Settings, Flicker, Follow, Lookat)
5 x Logic (Collider size, Repeating)
14 x Map (Minimap, Full Screen, Navigation Compass)
6 x Physics 3D (RigidBody Drag, Attract and Repel)
12 x Random (Instructions, Objects, Wait, etc)
6 x Renderer (Highlighting Objects)
8 x Textmesh Pro 3D (Settings, Rotate, Lookat, etc)
3 x Time (Time Scale and Timers)
6 x Video (Renderer, URL, and more)
This asset also includes 17 custom propertyDrawers for the above and 3 custom Attributes. There are also 6 Detailed Example scenes and 1 Audio Component.
All instructions are fully supported, but are subject to change while Game Creator 2 is in Beta.
This Asset Includes