Download Easy TTS (Text-to-Speech) for iOS and Android Free Unity Asset.
Easy TTS v2.2 (Text-to-Speech) is a plug-in that allows you to easily use the native text-to-speech feature of iOS and Android.
Additional Features:
Volume, Rate, Pitch adjustments
In this version we also update the script(new methods) and documentation for better understanding on how to use it.
Documentation | Support Thread
System Requirements:
iOS7 or higher
Android 1.6 or higher
In Android TTS Engine must installed.
There are demo scenes included to demonstrate its functionality.
1. DemoEasyTTS (for iOS/Android)
2.DemoEasyTTS_SelectEngine (Additional feature for Android only)
Additional Feature for Android Only.
Able to switch to other TTS engines to change options of voice settings and language for the given text.
Theres a case that in changing voice settings and language will depend on the installed TTS engine.
EasyTTSReadMe.txt is provided with information on how to use this package and detailed description.