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Concurrent Value

This asset is an all-around solution for dealing with a common issue when creating a game, having a value concurrently modified by multiple objects at once.
Despite a pretty simple goal, this asset provides a lot because of technical challenges that comes with doing arithmetic in a generic class, and making it serialize on Unity Versions prior to 2020.1.

It is very useful and time saving when making gameplay elements that interact heavily with each others (multiple effect zones affecting the same character at once, complex RPG statistics system, etc).

Thanks to a complete documentation, tutorial videos and an automatic script generation window, this asset is usable by anyone with basic knowledge of programming.
An advanced user will find it very useful too: indeed, a lot of tricky problems have been tackled in order to get this asset to work. It will save you some precious production time, and a good object-oriented conception will allow you to extend it if need be.
This asset works for Unity version 2018.3 or higher and will be kept up to date with later releases.

• Built with performance as a main goal.
• Easy to use and very complete.
• Full sources are included.