The Better Lit shader is an improved Lit shader which runs across all render pipelines, and offers a number of multi-layer and procedural techniques to texturing.
The Better Lit Shader acts as a replacement for the built In pipleine’s Standard, or URP/HDRP Lit shaders with the following features and improvements:
* Supports URP, HDRP, and the Built In rendering pipelines, tested on 2019.4LTS and 2020.3LTS
* HDRP style texture packing, or a custom tightly packed texture format for faster shading
* Tessellation & Parallax Support
* Crack Free Tessellation mesh preprocessor
* Stochastic sampling of textures to remove tiling
* Tint Masking, allowing you to colorize 4 separate parts of the main texture layer independently.
* Full Support for Bakery GPU Lightmapper
* HDRP style Detail Texturing
* Three additional independent Texture Layers, which can be used as a detail texturing, height blended, or alpha blended, with independent options for Triplanar and Stochastic on each layer. These can also be masked via vertex painting, noise functions, and procedural functions, allowing you to create many different effects.
* MicroShadows and Fuzzy Shading available on every layer
* Use UV, UV1, Triplanar, or world projections on each texture layer
* Flat Shading
* Single or Double Sided
* Wetness, automatically integrates with Enviro and Weather Maker
* Puddles, automatically integrates with Enviro and Weather Maker
* Automatic placement of puddles via noise functions and angle filters
* Snow system, automatically integrates with Enviro and Weather Maker