A good workflow is important for healthy development. We offer a complete, organized, easy-to-use, and time-saving scene management system to assist you in every need.
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Check out -> Projects Made With Advanced Scene Manager
We believe a solid, continuously updated, actively supported, well-made asset that will save you a lot of Time, will be of immense value. Advanced scene manager has been built and improved on for years, to bring you the best there is.
• Simple integration
Once installed you are ready to go, with no prefabs to set up. We take care of everything scene management in the background, so you can focus on gameplay.
• Additive approach
Splitting scenes into multiple smaller ones is a great way to avoid merge conflicts in teams. And a great way to keep scenes small and organized, work on one piece at a time.
• Time-saving
Setting up a project’s scene management takes a snippet of the time of a self-made solution. You’ll find and navigate through all scenes from one editor window.
• Loading screens
Easy to create custom loading screens for your game, set as default, override per collection, or manually open.
• References, Cross-scene references.
It wouldn’t be a scene manager without easy scene referencing! Drag and drop your scenes anywhere! Cross-scene referencing is also available!
• Stutter Reduction