You are currently viewing 3D Roguelike RPG Complete Kit for Mobile and PC: TPS, Enemy AI, Puzzle and Props

3D Roguelike RPG Complete Kit for Mobile and PC: TPS, Enemy AI, Puzzle and Props

Ready to customize and publish 3D Roguelike and RPG Game Kit. Enemy AI, Dungeon Props, Potions, Chest, Puzzles, Traps, Sound Effects, TPS Camera and more. Both Mobile and PC Inputs are supported!

Ready to customize and publish 3D Roguelike and RPG Game Kit. Enemy AI, Dungeon Environment Props, Potions, Chests, Puzzles, Traps, Sound Effects, TPS Camera and many more. Both Mobile and PC Inputs are supported!

You can create your own Roguelike or RPG game easily for both Mobile or PC platforms withouth knowing Programming Language. All prefabs and modules are ready to use. All meshes are optimized and animations, particles are included.

You can view all the features of the asset listed below:

– TPS Camera: Configurable, Easy to use TPS Camera. You can modify angle and distance.

– Third Person Controller: Ready to use Third Person Controller. Jump, Swim, Run, Sprint, etc…

– Both Mobile and PC Inputs: You can create your Roguelike and RPG game for both Mobile and PC Platforms because it supports both Mobile and PC Inputs.

– Weapons: Three types of Weapons are ready to use. Axe, Sword and Shield.

– Enemy AI (Meele): Meele type Enemy AI. Supports Attacking, Patrolling. (All Custom Animations are included).

– Enemy AI (Archer): Range type Enemy AI. Supports Attacking, Patrolling. (All Custom Animations are included).

– Many Dungeon Props: Lots of Dungeon props and prefabs. You can decorate your own game by using them easily.

– Puzzles: Ready to use puzzles like finding keys, mirror light reflecting.